

i like this picture very much because the car uses to duracel because it's an old car

I think this is not art if not a mockery of the car because the car is very old


Con la Ó

Como pongo los contornos
como no pongo los coros
como lo logro, con poco LO BORDO
yo como los monos,
no logro, solo convoco.
no colo con monos o moros
solo colo con Ó.


These pictures are of Madrid, on the right of the Bernabeu stadium and the left is from the Warner Bros Madrid


Denis Serra Corporation of English homework

a) Can you name some animals that are extinct?
b) Do you know why some animals are becoming endangered?
c) Describe you favourite animal.

Chinese river dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer)
Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus)
Quagga (Equus quagga quagga)
Atlas Bear (Ursus arctos crowtheri)
Cape leon (Panthera leo melanochaitus)
New Zealand Quail (Coturnix novaezelandiae)
Persian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata)
Golden coqui (Eleutherodactylus jasperi)
Sardinian Pika (Prolagus sardus)

B) Status U.I.C.N. According to the Red List of Threatened Species of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) published in 1997 ordered the species described in this book in the following categories:
Extinct: a species is extinct when the last individual has died existing. Critically Endangered: A species is Critically Endangered when facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future. Endangered means a species is endangered when this Critically Endangered but is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future. Vulnerable: A species is Vulnerable when it is not Critically Endangered or Endangered but is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium term. Near threatened species that are close to being classified as vulnerable.

C) My favourite animal it is the tiger it lives in Asia and Siberia North. He eat a other animals, it isn’t live in a group it is a solitary animal The basic color of the Tiger (yellow and red) and the subspecies may have colors like black or white. It is the largest feline. The tiger is a mammal of the order of carnivores and belongs to the family of felines. The tail was measured 75-91 cm. Weigh around 290 kilograms, are between 1-6 cubs per litter and live an average of 20 years.


los musicales


Lo que entiendo por un musical esunas personas que están arriba de un escenarió y allí empiezan a cantar y bailar eo una historia.

Los musicales que he visto no me gustaron demasiado, por que me parecían una tontería.

El musical bosqus endins no me gustó porque fue muy largo.

Del musical QUE me pareció bonito el relato pero el final fue bastante dramático con la muerte de Irene

Por la "tele" he visto el high school musical que trata de unos chicos de instituto que deben haber repetido curso unas 20 veces porque son chicos de 27 años y en la "peli" salen como si tuvieran 14 años. Por ejemplo, en la "peli" lo bueno esque se soluciona la vida cantando, matan a un chico y venga a cantar y todos contentos. también se tiene que remarcar que no salen personas "feas" todos son chicos guapos y musculosos y chicas guapas con enorexia y otra opración.

como conclusión, a mí no me gustan los musicales ni las redacciones de castellano